Genang-Gedong is one of the natural attractions that are in the Village Putim, District Kaway XVI, West Aceh Regency. The shape of Genang-Gedong this is a lake surrounded by trees. Distance to the location-Gedong Genang is ± 20 km from the town of Meulaboh to Banda Aceh Via Geumpang.
This vast pool of water covering 3 villages or ± 7ha.Thick trees will make anyone who comes to feel relaxed with fresh breeze blowing gently Genang-Gedong. If you want to relax in a beautiful place, come to Genang-Gedong, or if your hobby fishing, Genang-Gedong is where fishing while relaxing with my beloved family to enjoy a soft drink and chant music Jazz or R&B. Genang-Gedong around the site has stood a few pieces that are managed by a community café Putim Village. In the vicinity of this location there are also racing motocross grasstrack. No matter how beautiful Genang-Gedong is not many people know, not many people who want to come there
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