Cirebon Mask Dance, art is an original art Cirebon area, including Indramayu and Jatibarang. Cirebon mask dance is one of the dances in tatar Parahyangan. Dance called the mask, because the dancers use masks when dancing.
This mask dance yourself a lot of variety, and experienced growth in terms of movement, and the story to be conveyed. Sometimes the mask dance performed by dancers dance solo indecent, or it could be played by several people. One other kind of mask dance is mask dance Kelana Kencana Wungu is a series of mask dance Parahyangan styles which tells the queen that Kencana
Wungu being chased by prabu Minakjingga a madly passionate about her.Basically, each mask that represent each character describing the human disposition. Wungu golden, with blue mask, representing the character a lively yet graceful. Minakjingga (also called the Kelana), with a red mask represents the character of the hot-tempered, and impatient tempramental.
One of the maestro, the mask is Rasinah Mimi, an active dance and teaches Mask dance art at the Mask Dance studio Mimi Rasinah located in the village Pekandangan, Indramayu. Since 2006 Mimi Rasinah paralyzed, but she was still excited to show, dance and teach mask dances until the end, Mimi Rasinah died in August 2010 at age 80.
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