News Update :

Prailiu Village, Indonesia

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Prailiu is sar local population embraced Christianity, they still follow the local traditions based on their original religion of Marapu. one of the exotic traditional villages in Sumba. Located in the suburbs Waingapu, the capital of East Sumba about two kilometers from the city center. Despite running with rapid development, but the traditional houses of high architectural and roof still leaves you can see here even
though some of them are roofed with different designs. Local governments,
assisted by the World Bank, is currently reconstructing local traditional houses in Prailiu.

Although most homeless Height and burial process for example, is closely related to their traditional beliefs. Their traditional home has three parts, namely representing the local cosmology, "underground" as the home of the dead, "the center" home for life and the "roof" as the home of the Gods.

In addition to traditional houses, Prailiu also has a number of ancient graves. You can also find the famous traditional woven cloth and see the weave here.
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